I’ve become far too used to just going about my day without really thinking about the world around me. We really need to slow down and “smell the roses” more often. My favorite part of this self-care checklist set and printables is in this mindfulness tracker. Watch as your “bingo” card fills up and you can look at how much you’ve done to improve your wellbeing! It’s also a way to mark off things you’ve done for yourself. It’s just a fun way to pick something for yourself!

Right now, getting a massage isn’t easy, but I can take time to give myself a pedicure or even do some yoga. Sometimes, these aren’t things I can do on that particular day, but I can always make plans for later. Of course, self-care needs to include playing a game! I like the self-care bingo as a way to pick a prompt for days when I am exhausted and just can’t “think” of something to do for myself. A great addition to the self-care checklist is using these journal prompts on a regular basis. This reminds me to keep my focus on positive things and is a great way to change how I look at the world around me. I like that it has reminders of things both to do and not to do. This can be an exercise you do one per day and reflect on, or it can be something you fill out all at once, then work toward daily. Use the self-care journal as a way to track things that can be used as goals. These include things like the journal prompts, a game to help you pick a topic to work through, or even an exercise to do, and my favorite, the mindfulness tracker. I’ve included some easy to use printables for helping you stay on track. So, why wouldn’t I do the same to help remember to take better care of myself as well? I love using journals to keep track of day to day things. Add reflection on your self-care checklist to help keep yourself grounded and focused every day. It’s all about getting to the root of your uniqueness and figuring out a way to improve yourself and your life as a result. Self-reflection includes self-care at the core. The journal prompts help you think outside the box a bit and remind you of what changes you want in your life. Our mindfulness tracker is a great fast and easy way to look at how you are focusing day today. It’s about finding the root behind your unique struggles in life. This isn’t about picking apart the wrong things in your life. Self-reflection is a process where you look inward and figure out ways you can become a better person. Sometimes, to truly get the benefits of self-care, we need to spend time doing some reflecting upon our own attitudes, actions, and struggles. Print out this Self-Care Bundle of activities here. Self-care provides you with an outlet that is healthier than other vices many lean on when upset or feeling down.

If you are in a good place emotionally, you are less likely to “feed your feelings” or need “retail therapy”.When calm and focused, you are less likely to lash out or yell at your children or spouse.You have a better focus on your job or work when your mind and body are healthy.In fact, the benefits are so important for more than just you! When you are better, so are the ones closest to you! I love that this self-care checklist is a great way to remind myself of the things that improve my quality of life. There are many benefits to taking better care of yourself. Print out this Self-Care Checklist printable here. That’s why I am a huge advocate of self-care and want to make it known that every woman (man and child as well) should take time for themselves. It’s so hard to let go of the mom guilt, and just the guilt society puts on you. Whey aren’t you working? Are you sure you should leave your kids at home? Shouldn’t you be doing some chore? That’s a waste of time, you could be making money if you just hustled more. In today’s society, it seems far too common to see someone being judged for taking time off. I admit, there is a lot of guilt around pausing and taking a break. When you love others, you want to make their life easier. I’ve been known to run myself to a point of exhaustion caring for those around me. Self Care Checklist + Self Care Printables Without that time for YOU, you can’t properly care for others. It isn’t selfish to make sure you are healthy inside and out. These simple tips and ideas are perfect for helping you to find time to take care of yourself and make an effort to put yourself first. You work hard every day taking care of everyone around you, but are you taking time for yourself? This Self Care Checklist is a great place to begin.